Haa.. dh lame sgt2 x tls blog..
Tetibe je rase nk tls something.. hehe..
Life ?? penah x ade ade org ckp.. "ko nie xde life la..", "come on la wey.. enjoy la..", "bosan do life ko.." Hmm.. aku ckp mcm ni bkn la makne ade org ade ckp kt aku.. tp kdg2 aku sdiri rase mcm tu..
Kalo la kite dlm class mcm diam je.. x btegur ngan org sgt.. tegur pon ngan org yg dh kenal je.. tu maknenye sombong ke.. xde life ke.. hehe.. Ntah la.. sometimes i think.. org tu being born like that.. or maybe die dulu mmg gle mulut xleh dok diam.. tp skang ble dh besar die sedar skit yg life need to change a lil bit coz umur pn dh mningkat..
Kalo dlu.. kte asyik nk main je.. ngan semua org kte nk "try".. Spi bile nk jd mcm tu.. kalo kte x btegur org.. org n kwn2 kate sombong.. tp kn.. aku slalu pk, diorg suke ke kalo ditegur oleh org lain dgn niat sj je nk flirt, jage ati, nk bg diorg rase syok sdiri, bg diorg rase mcm hot stuff tp x, utk kepentingan si penegur shj n byk lg la.. To me.. it is better being honest if nk btegur.. Coz that maybe a start for a new "long term" friendship..That is my opinion la.. of course xbtol pn coz lain org, lain pemikirannye..
"Flirt".."Politic".."Pretending" bde nie slalu bcampur baur dlm life kte as a human being.. aku sdiri pon mcm tu jgk.. but i really wanna try 2 avoid it.. Gle kn.. nanti time keje pon maybe jd mcm tu jgk.. aku x caye kalo ade org yg x amal or terbuat bde nie.. hehe.. Tp tu la.. certain people might use this like a weapon or advantage that they have as a person to build a "short term" relation with people who like desperate, weak, need attention n feel like want to get along in a group. Bahaye nie.. hehe.. Tu yg kadang2 friendship x kekal lame.. coz there is no trust.. only smile outside but not inside..
To me.. Life is like a journey.. die mcm prjalanan kte dr Sgamat ke Kl tau.. dalam perjalanan tu.. kte akn berhenti kt "RnR".. pastu "makan".. dh "kenyang'.. kte truskan perjalanan.. Tp ade ke kite bawak "makanan" td tu spi KL.. xkot.. coz kalo lapar kt KL.. gi cari "makan" tempat lain kt KL.. hehe.. sure ade yg x faham kn.. poyo la aku nie.. Xpe la.. kalo fahm kang pk -ve kt aku plak.. Hehe.. xde niat lain pon tau.. Cube bayangkan or pk.. ape akn jd lg 10 thn.. lame sgt ek.. k la.. 5 thn la.. Hmm.. do we still contact our friends that now is like learn, eat, live n do everything with us ??.. If yes.. Good.. Tp.. pk blk, sedangkan skang nie pon.. ble cuti sem pon xcontact, x ajk kuar ke lpk ke pe.. ble balik umah, jupe member umah, dok ngan family, rase idup senang skit.. dh lupe dh member yg kte dok mgadap muke diorg je slame 5 bulan.. cam mane kalo dh x nampak dpn mate 5 thn.. igt nk close lg ke pe.. maybe "facebook" dpt solve a lil bit of prob nie. Hehe..
Ala.. ape yg aku rase ni mmg xde org rase or pk mcm yg aku pk pon.. org maybe pk.. janji ramai kawan dh ah.. true fren ke x tu blakang cite ah.. Asalkn kte tegur org, org pon tegur kte, gelak n enjoy same2, aku susah die kene tolong, die ssh aku tolong skit.. cukup ah.. tu kire true frend spi mati ah kot.. hehe.. ntah ah tetibe plak aku nie ckp yg bkn2.. mcm bg pluang org nk kutuk diri aku je.. hehe.. padan muke ko apac..
K la.. aku rase mcm aku dh mule mengarut sgt je.. nie just "voice in me".. x mintak org judge or trase ke pe.. just something that i want 2 tell wut i feel.. hehe.. ok.. bye..
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Posted by me_faiq at 9:51 AM 3 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Shah Alam.. Happy ??
hai.. dh lame sgt2 thevoiceinme x post blog.. hehe... skang ni pn sep baik la cuti.. leh la relax skit..
Hmm.. kali ni nk cte skit ah psl life gua skang... life as a B.Fin stud at UiTM Shah Alam... 2 me la.. UiTM Shah Alam is like the 2nd Batu Cave.. gle tol.. byk sgt tangge nk kene daki ari2..
Mcm ni life aku skang..
6:30 am : Bgn pagi, siap2 utk gi class kol 8:30am
7:30 am : Kene trn tangga dari tingkat 4 (umh flat), tggu bus, kdg2 je naik kete...
.............: naik tangge.. class..
.............: tangga lg.. class..
.............: class... tangga.. jln kaki.. class...
.............: jln kaki 100m, tangga, class...
6:00 pm : turun tangga, tggu bus, balik...
6:15 pm : sampai umh... naik tangga tingkat 4.. tido..
Huhu.. tido spi kol bape xtau.. then bgn gi kuar makan... balik kalo rajin wat keje skit.. kalo x sambung tido.. tu la aktiviti harian aku skang.. penat gle la.. maybe x biase lg kot keadaan kt sane.. sgt2 brbeza la ngan UiTM Johor dlu..
Mula2 dlu ade jgk terdetik kt ati i nk transfer gi Johor balik or tkr Mlake ke.. tapi ble p.k blk sume org leh xkn aku xleh kot.. Tp yg paling best nyer skang.. yg wat aku rase cam smangat je nk gi class even malas, penat or skt skali pn.. coz "si dia" same class ngan gue.. b4 this "dia" class lain, then die tkr msk clas aku.. hehe... K la.. tu je kot.. Bye..
Posted by me_faiq at 9:04 AM 11 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
My Working Experiance
Waa... dgr title ni mcm aku keje 2 bulan je kn.. hehe.. this time aku saje nk post psl aku keje yg 2 hari tu.. hehe...

Posted by me_faiq at 8:35 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Important Dates..
Hai.. dh lame rase thevoiceinme x bsuare kn..
Ni la date yg ak aku ingat spjg idup aku.. hehe. Coz ni la 1st time in my life start keje.. X penah2 dlm sejarah family aku, ade yg keje b4 abs blajar.. agak kekok la nk keje. hehe.. ye la.. ade punch card, dressup kene ikt care diorg, ade time mkn n byk lg la.. gle do.. ak keje just jd promoter je kt Metrojaya Times Square..

Aku ingat keje promoter ni mcm senang, tp mak ai.. penat do.. mule2 ingat aku nk cekalkn ati la sampai abs which is 16 June, tp aku x tahan la.. keje 21 Mei.. 22 Mei aku dh brenti. hahaha.. spi skang aku jd bahan dlm family aku. Yer la.. kaje 2 hari je.. Byk kalo nk cte psl ni, tp ckp la skit2.. hehe.. Pape pn aku keje skali ngan Husna.. die msk, aku msk.. aku brenti die pn brenti gak.. hehe..
Hmm... pic kt atas ni la tempat akak aku disarungkn cincin pertunangan die.. hehe.. 2 me nmpk nice je la kn... sume tu wat sdiri tau.. x panggil org wt pn.. akak syasya pn x tolong tau. hehe.. (jgn marah syasay..) . penat tau nk wat ni.. ape lg ble nk gi beli barang2 nk wat bde ni.. Even bantal yg colour gold tu pn mama aku yg wat tau. hehe...
Haa.. ni la pic akak aku ngan aku.. tema die pink.. aku sbnrnye mcm tkejut jgk tgk akak aku ari tu.. yer la... ati kck aku bkate.. "leh thn jgk akak aku ni.." hehe.. ala.. sbb dress yg die pki je kot wat die nmpk mcm tu. hahaha.. sori kak..
11 June 2009
Posted by me_faiq at 8:13 AM 5 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Ape dh jadi ???
hmm.. bosan sbnarnye ni.. so post la somethig... nk ckp psl pe ek... haa... Ari ni dh msk 15hb mei.. kte sume br je lps date 13 mei kn... do 13th mei means anything to us ??.. Do u know n still remember wut happend in the same date but in the year 1969. Number die dh sdp dh 69, tp pe yg jd time tu yg x best tu.. if i'm not mistaken, one of the main reason date tu digelar peristiwa berdarah coz of time tu sume kaum dgn lantangnye bersuara diorang nyer hak.. gle gak kn.. mitak jauh la sume tu...
But wut happend now ???
Skang ni kte sume nampakkn politik kt M'sia skang mcm agak x terkawal.. One of the factor that will effect our economy is political issues.. how well is it now ?? we all know it rite.. tp aku br je mcm tertengok kt tv3 nie die kate kte nyer economy related with the foreigner not really effected. In fact, one of the New Zealand investor said that they only worry about the return that they get with a single sen they invest.. He add that, political issues is a problems that usually happend in all nations. Fuh.. sep baik kn...
Actually kte p.k blk ape yg menjadikan politik kte x stabil ek... mcm mane org kt luar sane leh tgk politik kte x stabil.. Hmm.. according to voiceinme la... sume ni jd ble ramai sgt or nk amik tau.. ramai sgt nk tunjuk muke, tampil ke depan, wat rusuhan, bkumpul sane sini, wat web2 n etc.. sbb nie la one of the factor org leh tau ttg keadaan kt M'sia nie skang..
Korang rase ble ek bde ni nk abs.. Can u imagine.. skang nie pembangkang cube nk amik alih kerajaan.. nanti ble diorang menang, then diorg plak akn jd kerajaan.. pastu yg kerajaan plak akn jd pembangkang and akn busaha plak utk rampas n bentuk kerajaan balik.. Hmm.. spi ble2 pn x abs mcm ni... Ble tgk politik kt Perak skang sgt2 la takut.. tp seriusly nampak la determination both parties utk jd peneraju kt Perak tu...
Sume org ade opinion masing2 regarding with this political issues... tp aku just hope that org2 yg still golongan remaja, yg still x keja, yg still ade harapan serta jalan utk berjaya dlm idup diorg tu.. jgn la terlalu obsess spi gi join rusuhan ke.. demonstrasi ke.. bkn pe.. 2 me sometimes we doesn't really know the true fact.. maybe it just a speculation, false statement, false info n byk lg la... material ommission pn leh msk gak.. Hehe...
Ble p.k balik.. kte berjuang pn utk menaikkn someone je.. A leader je.. x kire la sape pn.. baik dr government or the opposition.. Why don't kte try menaikkn diri kte sendiri ?? kte sibuk menyokong pihak sane.. menentang pihak sini.. tapi tu sume seakan-akan perjuangan untuk org lain.. try to ask ourself.. ape yg aku dh contribute kt negara aku nie ?? kalo stakat pegang jawatan skit kt University dh p.k dh contribute gle2 kt M'sia x tau la kn.. atau kalo nk p.k psl negara ni besar sgt.. try to think.. Ape yg dh aku contribute kt family aku ?? dh cukup ke pe yg kte buat nie utk idup kte future nanti ??
Byk do yg leh kte wat slain dr p.k psl konon2 nk berpolitik nie.. idup sdiri nie pn x terurus, nie kn nk bjuang utk org lain plak.. Aku yakin ah.. kalo la sume org p.k nk majukn diri sdiri.. dlm setiap diri individu mcm berebut utk berjasa, jd yg terbaik, cube btol2 utk berbakti pada agama, bangsa n negara.. xde nye kte kisah sgt psl nk wat demonstrasi kn M'sia ni.. Btol.. cbe korg p.k.. ko rase rate2 yg join bde2 ni kbanyakan nye golongan yg berpendapatan sederhana ke bawah.. Ade ke ceo2 company turun gak ? or golongan2 elit la katekn join demonstrasi nie.. cam xde kn..
So itu la yg aku p.k.. kalo abg2, akak2 or parent2 kte dh terjebak ngan bde nie biar la... baik kte jd golongan leh create satu environment baru time future nanti.. mane tau sume kte yg still ade harapan ni sume jd golongan elit in future nanti.. So maybe prob yg jd kt M'sia skang ni leh ubh..
Hehe... tu just opinion aku la.. sume ade hak utk bfikir kn... ade je yg maybe x stuju ngan pe yg aku ckp.. Hmm... its just my opinoin la k n it may weighted to group2 age area mcm aku nie.. k la.. sory la k kalo slh tulis.. lets share our thought bout our M'sia...
Posted by me_faiq at 10:02 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Congrats !!!
Dh lame rase x post blog.. member2 aku sume maybe dh byk sgt post, n maybe most of them byk ckp psl dh grad.. hehe.. Congrats la sume including me too. hehe..
Firstly nk thx Husna Huda coz follow my blog.. U r most welcome here.. B4 this aku pnh tanye die.. "nape awk x jd follower sy... ??" die ckp.. "sy mmg x follow blog sape2 pn...". So ble die dh follow ni rase mcm special skit la.. hehe.. N thx juga kt die coz post something about me.. so sweet.. finally nak jugak die puji aku.. bkn senang die nk puji.. lagi2 kt public nie...
Hmm.. nk post pasal pe ek.. Hmm... b4 this aku slalu je p.k kalo aku nk post something.. sure p.k psl pe yg org p.k.. ye la.. ntah2 geli ke.. x stuju ke ngan pe yg aku ckp.. tp aku bace blog org len relax je ckp psl personal diorg.. kutuk la.. puji la.. thx smone la.. pe la.. mcm2 btol. Lelagi blog bacol tu.. mcm ari2 je die post blog. X rosak ke keyboard lu bro.. hehehe.. guro je.. Emceh..
Well.. this is something that i really want to post.. dh lame dh sbnrnye.. tp coz p.k psl org je.. spi x post2 pn bde nie.. I wanna talk about Husna... bkn sbb die post psl aku tau.. hehe..
Hmm.. Honestly aku pn x sangke cam mane leh closed sgt2 ngan die skang.. hehe.. Agak klakar la. tp best sbnarnye.. She's someone yg sgt caring.. sometimes bde2 kck pn die anggap bsr when it come to health or anything imprtant in life.. byk la yg die wat.. xkn nk cte kot. hehe..
She always help me in everything that i do.. die sure nk tau and want to contribute something in that. Sometimes die sanggup stay up, penat, x mkn, stress n byk lg la just to help me..
Aku still ingat lg mase tu ade paper ape ntah.. Aku tanye die.. "awk nk tdo kol bape nie..?" she said.. "kol 2 kot.. tp kalo ade pape yg awk nk tanye, just call k.." Pergh!! x cam sweet la bro ade org nk tolong kte spi mcm tu.. aku rase kalo call org len mau kene maki.. hehe..
Hmm.. according to section 3 under voiceinme act.. Husna ni pd aku die someone yg sgt2 la hebat.. btol.. gua x tipu.. org len maybe nampak hebat ble konon2 berjawatan la.. konon ble score exam la.. pe la.. mcm2 la kn penilaian org ni... Hmm.. tp pd aku.. husna la lg better kot (puji awek sdiri ah.. xkn puji org len kot..) . Haa.. asal aku kate die hebat ?? cube korang imagine.. ni time test law la.. time tu org mcm aku dh sbk study la.. pe la.. tp die time tu sibuk siapkn report la.. pe la.. ble aku lpk ngan die pagi esk tu.. br nk bkk topic 1.. gle ke pe die ni.. tp tgk2 ble result.. x cam A plak.. ni bkn 1st time tau. Byk kali gak la... Certain student maybe leh score in exam coz well prepared or get lucky or something. Same goes to her.. I believe if her time only focus in studies, she'll be someone that greater than others.
To me she is a very good listener...gud in advise people.. full with dedication in wut she's doing.. love kids.. responsible to her family, fren, lecturers n of cours me.. hehe... Hmm.. byk lg kalo nk ckp psl die.. skang ni cuti pn leh kate ari2 kitorang jupe.. lepak, jln2, tgk movie, jog n byk lg la... I just hope that kitorg leh continue degree kitorg kt campus yg same.. course ?? tu mmg same kot coz kitorg isi sume pilihan sume B.FIN. Hehe... n kalo bleh nk gak dlm clas yg same gak. hehe.. wutever it is.. I just luv u husna...
sori la kalo over sgt or korang geli ble bace ni.. bg la chance skit aku ni express feeling aku. hehe.. k la. bye for now.. take care..
Posted by me_faiq at 9:22 AM 5 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
- F I N A L E X A M -
Wow.. rase lame gle x bkk blog.. ape ntah lg nk post. Now i realize that i'm not that kind of person that can said as "blogger".. Hehehe...
Huu.. another one day before final exam.. aku rase mcm kosong je dlm otak nie.. dh la 1st paper law, byk bde nk kene hafal.. but i take some of my wasting time to post something regarding final exam.. It's just the voice in me about this..
Exam ???
To me.. the most comman words people said to me is.. "gud luck ek faiq.." and i believe all of us get this kind of words.. But the thing is, do i really need that luck ?? do i believe in luck ??
Hmm.. let me share something that wut i feel..
Before this, aku slalu je mcm bg talk kat junior stud psl study, how to survive in campus life, certain tips regarding with exam etc.. As i remember, proudly I said to them :-
"hidup ni sbnarnye luck je do.. kalo korg bace skit, tp yg kuar exam tu sume yg korang bace, kn luck namenye. X perlu mcm org len, bace byk2 tp x kuar exam pn.."
I think this is something that i said every semester to my juniors.. I said or trust this words bcoz of before this I really think that I'm lucky.. Example in UPSR, PMR n SPM.. aku x study mcm org len study pn.. main je.. tp result x la teruk sgt.. yg lbh myakinkan ble org yg study pn dpt lg rendah dari aku.. Hmm.. sbb tu yg aku rase time tu.. "success is based on luck.."
How about now ??? Am i still lucky ???
To me.. last sem is something that i cant forgot and all of the memories will not be deleted as long as i live... because i think I'm lucky.. i not really strive to study last sem.. hati kecil ku brkata :-
"ala faiq.. ko sblum ni x study sgt pn leh je score.. lek ah.. nanti study last minit pn bleh.."
So... bcoz of that.. I didn't get gud result last sem even last sem la hancurnye sgala harapan or my goals to achieve something in my life which is ANC..
Hmm.. ramai org kate.. "xpe la.. xde rezeki la tu.." Adoi.. sedap je mulut diorg ckp mcm tu utk sdpkn ati aku.. hehe.. tp biase la tu.. so at this point.. I'm not believe in luck eventho i say to my frenz.. "gud luck ek final nie.." hehe.. tu kn trend exam...
last nite..
Now.. this moment..
Hmm.. at this time.. i cant do anytning or do changes with my life as in diploma level.. "trima seadanya la faiq.." Who knows.. maybe Allah had arranged somethong 4 me.. I just wanna finnished this diploma level a.s.a.p.. coz i cant wait to start a new life and a new hope.. I've my own target and I believe i can still achieve it..
Hmm.. I wanna say "gud luck" for everyone in your life.. believe me.. life has its up n down k.. Aku jgk nk mintak maaf sgt2 kt semua org n personally sorry to "someone" (cant be disclose). I'm just a normal person that still seek n learn the purpose of life, try to achieve something n live happy with people who luv me.. bye..
Posted by me_faiq at 8:59 PM 6 comments